Coaching & Consulting

For women who spend their lives pouring themselves into everyone around them and are ready to start filling their own cups.

You can feel confident and supported. As an ICF-credentialed and certified coach, Hayley will show you how to choose yourself and feel empowered without the guilt.

Hayley gets it. As someone who’s struggled herself and also coached countless women on their journies, she provides the tools, techniques, and support you need to confidently show up for yourself and let go of the belief that you aren’t enough.

You’re a woman who puts everyone’s wants & Needs ahead of your own

And that’s amazing. But while you’re doing so much for others, what are you doing for yourself?

I get it, that’s a foreign concept. There’s no time for that, who am I kidding?

I’m here to help you see that by focusing on what you want and what you need, you’re able to be better at showing up for others. Backward right? Filling your own cup allows what you create to overflow into the people around you and you can live your life feeling more confident, happy, and in control.

New course.

Trauma Recovery Specialist

You'll learn what it means to be trauma-informed, how it moves and is stored in your body and nervous system, and how it manifests both physically and emotionally within you and the people in your life and practice.

The cupboard


Whether it’s personal stories, advice, opinions, or tools and techniques, The Cupboard is a place for you to get a good idea of who Hayley is and what she does within Two Cups that creates such growth and expansion.